A trusted resource for women planning alternative families

Our Family Limit Policy

Pacific Reproductive Services is committed to limiting the number of donor-conceived offspring of an individual donor. In line with this commitment, we are limiting offspring of an individual donor to 15 families as of September 2013. This insures that our family limit policy is one of the lowest in the sperm banking field. Our oversight process is rigorous and includes:

Continually monitoring reported pregnancies, births and pregnancy outcomes - including miscarriages and the health of offspring - for each donor. When the number of known families for any donor approaches our limit, we limit distribution of any remaining sperm vials to families who already have a child from the same donor.

Being proactive in client follow-up. Every PRS registered client, prior to ordering sperm, is required to sign a contractual agreement to inform us in a timely mannerof any resulting pregnancy or birth. However, not all clients adhere to this contract and we conduct ongoing requests for updated information.

Such follow-up is important to help ensure we maintain our 15-family limit. It also helps us receive timely information if there are any medical issues with a donor-conceived child.

We are also strongly supportive of the creation of a comprehensive database of all U.S. sperm donors. A nonprofit agency, the National Gamete Donor Registry, has been formed to develop the first comprehensive American donor database. It is being designed as a secure, voluntary and independent archive. This is an important initiative by major sperm banks to limit the number of potential half-siblings.