A trusted resource for women planning alternative families

About "Willing to be Known" Donors

Pacific Reproductive Services provides its clients with the largest selection of "willing to be known" sperm donors in the country as well as a large and diverse selection of anonymous sperm donors.

A strong commitment to providing "willing to be known" sperm donors

Even though they are more difficult to recruit, we have always placed a strong emphasis on identifying sperm donors willing to meet a child when he or she reaches 18. This is because our primary focus is on serving the special needs of lesbian, bisexual and heterosexual women seeking to form alternative families, many of whom want their children to have the right to obtain fuller information about their biological, cultural and social lineage. Any contact is at the child's option only and a donor is never given the identity of the mother, her partner or a child.

Pacific Reproductive Services cannot guarantee that a meeting between the donor and child will occur; however, PRS will release identifying information, upon request, to your child once they reach 18, or older. PRS must rely solely upon the donor's representation and signed written agreement that he is willing to be known.

It is advisable that you keep PRS informed of any change in address, phone number and email address, in case we need to contact you about your donor.